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TD Top Deals Awards: Largest transaction volume for residential property in 2023

Our team made a significant contribution to the overall market by successfully brokering 560 million euros of the transaction volume of 2.2 billion euros. This has now been recognised by Thomas Daily with the Top Deal Award 2023.

Our biggest deal was the sale of a large-volume portfolio from Vonovia to CBRE Investment Management. Our residential team did an outstanding job in brokering the 1,350 residential units, mainly new-build flats in the sought-after A-cities of Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Munich.

The attractiveness of residential property, particularly in prime locations and thanks to positive rental market trends, confirms the high demand from international investors. 

We are taking this momentum with us to continue to grow as a company. As the owner, Lübke Kelber AG now combines all the activities of our companies. Find out more here: Lübke-Kelber AG (luebke-kelber-ag.de)

As in the previous year, the estate agent ranking is based on the largest known property sales on the German market. These include around 60 commercial deals in the order of 50 million euros or more for a total of 8.7 billion euros and ten residential deals for a combined total of 2.2 billion euros. 

TD TOP DEALS Award 2023 (thomas-daily.de)

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