We are your partners for complex transactions. It is the interplay between supply and demand that reveals the actual value of a property.

The key thing is the price paid in the end, not the price asserted by an expert. Ultimately, every potential buyer calculates their offer based on their own personal goals, so prices can vary considerably. Finding the best buyer is always, after all, a challenge and one of our most important tasks.

Our agile team, consisting of seasoned experts and young expert minds with their fingers really on the pulse, can point out the best solutions for the most diverse issues in the most diverse situations. Our goal is to be a good advisor and contact for long-term partnerships. Always close and always personal.


In addition to perpetually "learning by doing”, we also make it possible for you to gain any further qualifications you need, depending on your role.

Your Contacts

Talk to us.

Steffen Schaack

Managing Director | Frankfurt


Marc Sahling

Managing Director | Frankfurt


Office Stuttgart

Königstraße 16
70173 Stuttgart
+49 711 21460 stuttgart@luebke-kelber.de

Office Munich

Sonnenstraße 19
80331 München
+49 89 5519060 muenchen@luebke-kelber.de

Office Düsseldorf

Berliner Allee 27-29
40212 Düsseldorf
+49 211 167000 duesseldorf@luebke-kelber.de

Office Dresden

Dr.-Külz-Ring 12
01067 Dresden
+49 351 492840 dresden@luebke-kelber.de

Office Berlin

Kurfürstendamm 67
10707 Berlin
+49 30 4433710 berlin@luebke-kelber.de

Office London

Mortimer St
London W1T 3BP

Office Frankfurt

Taunusstraße 6
60329 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 99991400 frankfurt@luebke-kelber.de

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