Nils Hübener, Co-CEO of the Dr. Peters Group, as guest of Mark Holz and Thomas Kotyrba

Once the Christmas trade is over, retailers start planning for the new year. Thus, the real estate industry should also be busy with contemporary retail concepts and the challenges posed by online retail. That's why the opening episode of the six-part mini-podcast series "Monday Morning Mood - Coffee, Bagels, Real Estate" is all about retail - also as a factor in urbanity and vibrant city centres.

E-commerce platforms such as Amazon entice people in with an almost inexhaustible range of goods. What chances does the stationary retail trade still have - and what are the consequences for the city centres?

 For our Head of Research Mark Holz and his discussion partners Thomas Kotyrba, Head of Research and Strategy at BNP Paribas REIM in Germany, and Nils Hübener, Co-CEO of Dr. Peters Group, the situation is clear: 

“Just shopping is out of date." You can find out why this is the case here:

Podcast "Monday Morning Mood" - #Volume 1 - new concepts for the city centre

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