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Two wins: double triumph at the European Real Estate Brand Award

We are very proud to have been honored twice at the European Real Estate Brand Award in the categories:

  • Strongest Brand / Brokers Germany
  • Strongest Growth / Brand Value

We were able to prevail against renowned competitors in both categories. The awards are presented by the EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE BRAND INSTITUTE, which evaluated 1,500 brands from 21 sub-sectors in 45 European markets.

Chief Executive Officer Marc Sahling comments: "Our transformation from a pure transaction advisor to a comprehensive real estate service provider has contributed significantly to our success. Both the expansion of our team and the strengthening of our regional presence have played an important role in this. I am delighted with the awards, as they confirm that we have taken the right path and are continuing to write our success story."

Chief Operating Officer Steffen Schaack adds: "Our ability to operate successfully even under challenging market conditions shows how stable our diversified business model is. The current demand, especially from international investors, and the prospect of further successful transactions underline our strength in the market."

We would like to thank our fantastic team and our customers for their continued support. We look forward to many more successes together!

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